If you’re considering buying a house for the first time or trading up by selling your present home, you’ll be making one of the best possible financial investments. A home is important for the living space and other comforts it can bring to you and your family. However, as the title of a recent study indicates, there is “no place like home for your money”.
Many people recall the period during the 1970s and 80s as one of the worst because of the 113% increase in the inflation rate. During that same period, however, home prices rose about 1.70%. A consumer survey made recently was also revealing. Three out of every four consumers surveyed cited the single- family detached home as offering the best protection against inflation.
Investing in a home is one of the biggest and most important financial decisions you will probably ever make. If you’re in the market for a home now, come see what we have to offer.
If you have any questions about No Place Like Home, you can contact us at +1(516) 829-2205 and +1(516) 647-4289. Additionally, you can find us on various social media platforms such as Google My Business Profile, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.