Sell Homes – Do Not Punish Buyer

Here are some points to remember when selling your home:
1. Insist on a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) in writing, from your agent. (We provide them for free!)
2. Market & Merchandise your property with an experienced agent – Do they have their own website and is it ranked properly?
3. Let your real estate agent do all the negotiating.
4. Look at all offers, even if they are low. Your agent has an obligation to present all offers. Some buyers feel- they have to make a low offer to reassure themselves that they got the best price possible.
5. Do not become angry with a low offer and react with an unreasonable counter offer out of anger. Your goal is to sell the house not to punish to buyer.
6. Never judge buyers by the car they drive or how they are dressed. Be kind to all people viewing your home.
7. Your goal is to sell your home, so try not to place barriers about whom you want to buy it.
8. If you feel you have to make a counter offer, make the best one possible, and remember, there are no guarantees.

Sell Homes - Do Not Punish Buyer

If you have any questions about Sell Homes – Do Not Punish Buyer, you can contact us at +1(516) 829-2205 and +1(516) 647-4289. Additionally, you can find us on various social media platforms such as Google My Business Profile, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.